Saturday, March 22, 2008

Life's Lessons learned - I

Bringing My Son up, I have learned a few important lessons, which I always thought so..but never believed until I went through it myself!

First n foremost, Kids will reach their milestones when they are really capable off. both physically n mentally!!
and every kid is a difft Individual!

For eg..Yuvan Turned himself less than 3 months old. but never did it again n frequently until he was 4 months complete.

But he DID!!- When he was ready!!

He started moving on the floor by 6 months but crawled by 8 months..but surprisingly he started standing with support by 7 months onwards...

Before he started crawling ppl from all quarters of my life kept asking me
hasn't he started crawling yet?
But he DID when he was actually ready!

Then it all started .by 9-10 months. Why hasn’t he started walking????

And ppl started telling us that we shd teach him walk holding his hands...which we did try but Yuvan disliked being helped. rather to b apt he wanted to b independent for his age..

I personally too believed when Yuv feels Physically capable n mentally confident to walk he WILL!”
And YES n he DID..10 days before he turned 1...- when he was ready!

n wd u believe he started a few steps out of the blue one day!! and the second day he was just cruising along as if he has been walking rt from the time he was born!!!

Then was the language part!! Which stressed me n scared me to my every cell..
He did say "Amma" (Mother in Tamil)when he was 18 months but he never repeated. but he used to blabber a lot...communicate with gestures. Literally he could understand a lot of things, follow instructions, cooperating well for the potty training. but yet no clear words...

And i have heard that "hasn't he started talking yet?" a more than 1000 times...

Words of confidence n experiences came along from all our frens, my Chinese neighbors...
U keep talking to him,
Boys are a bit slower compared to girls..
u wont believe my daughter never uttered a word till she turned TWO..but suddenly she started and from there no stopping...

also ...
u shd communicate more..
chk with the doc...- which i indeed did with his paed..but he told me..he is a very normal kid. not to worry ..He is well ahead in all his milestones n he is blabbering communicating with gestures. he will pick up sooner!!

I made a visit to India for a two month vacation ,

I did take him to his paed in India and he assured me too not to worry n said there is still more time ..n he will pick up!!

Yuv was 2 months short to two then he had so many ppl around he picked up a few words. but still not to all of our expectations...

But all that mattered when i came back to SG..after exactly two weeks. he was 2 years n one month. he started talking a lot of words he had heard back in India..n now picks a lot of words from his day to activities!! n he started communicating with be precise he started to have Conversations!!!

and he is literally learning at least one new word a day....hi vocabulary list has improved leaps n bounds i shd say...fully potty trained, nights i make him go
su-su every 2 hrs..sometimes he does wake me up by himself and does let me know whenever he wants to do potty n he literally is off diaper completely..n enjoys play school a lot..Understands both English n Tamil – our mother tongue perfectly that we started speaking with spellings at home at times..learns words form both the languages n tries to converse in both!!!

Another eg..he never liked to watch phonics when 4 months back. Now wannna watch only that n picks a lot of words from the CD..takes his picture book..relates n shows n tells me what that word is. And also asks me teach new words n tries to repeat!!!

And even now i hear from many ppl " why he hasn't started talking
But now m very confident n i know Yuvan will speak up with lots of sentences sooner and he is already geared up for that n he will b ready n doing the task sometime sooner!!!
Now i Know n believe kids WILL, at the rt age appropriate for them in their own individual way!!!

and Thank You My Son...n u are a So precious n u have taught and teaching me many a lessons from life...
And i Love u My Son!!!


nive said... nephew started saying words let alone converse in sentences,not until he started sis was freaking out at first and then realized that kids need more company of their own age to play with to pick up words or worked out very well when he started to go to a play group and formed a gang:)..don't fret over this since yuv is such a smart one:)

Suhanya said...

Thanks Nive!!
And Yuvan has started a lot of words now..m bit relaxed!!!
Thanks for such a lovely n detailed comment..

Yuan has also formed the so called GAng:)

Food for Thought

The future belongs to those who believe in the beauty of their dreams.

Eleanor Roosevelt